Body Sculpting FAQ
Body sculpting maybe new to a lot of people so here is where you can read up on some questions you may’ve been wondering before booking🙂
Q. What does non-invasive mean?
A. Non- invasive or non/surgical means no incisions or downtime with your treatment. We use red light therapy and ultra sound technology to shrink fat & smooth skin.
Q. Will my procedure hurt?
A. We offer painless sessions that allow you to get back to work or your regular daily schedule as soon as you leave.
Q. How long will my results last?
A. We want you to look at your results the same way you would for working out at the gym. If you go back to unhealthy eating and you don’t stay active to keep the fat off that we help you burn, you’ll lose your new body and have to start a treatment plan all over again.
Q. How often should I come back after completing a treatment plan?
A. Depending on what service you choose, coming in once a month can help you retain optimal results. Although you can chose to do otherwise however you see fit.
Laser Lipo - 1-2 x’s weekly 6-12 sessions recommended
Vacuum Therapy (BBL & Hip Dips) - 2 x’s weekly 4-8 sessions recommended. Results last 3-4 months then monthly maintenance maybe needed without a full treatment plan.
Q. What’s the difference between laser lipo, cavitation lipo & liquid lipo?
A. Laser lipo uses red light therapy to shrink fat cells which is usually for larger fat reduction & cavitation lipo uses ultrasound therapy to burst fat cells which is usually for smaller fat reduction.
Liquid lipo is an all natural detox that you take daily. It targets belly fat, curbs appetite, boosts metabolism and much more! No workout or diet change needed but of course results would turn out better if you did!
Q. Where does the fat go today once treated?
A. The fat toxins are drained away into your lymphatic system. At that point, it’s very important that you get active and drink lots of water to flush it out via sweat, urine and feces.
Q. Will your machine do all the work for me?
A. No it will not. You have to be ready to be a team player alongside us by working out, drinking lots of water and making better eating choices. Our machines alone won’t be enough to reach your goal body. We are here to help you with your new body journey and we need your help to do so.
Q. Will I see instant results?
A. We can guarantee instant inches but most clients won’t see drastic results until the 3rd - 4th session. Each person is different depending on body type, weight, physical activity, diet & so on.
Q. What is a model appointment?
A. Model appointments are discounted sessions available for new services available at discounted prices in exchange for use of pics and content. We usually announce availability on our social media pages.
Q. What’s the difference between subcutaneous fat and visceral fat?
A. Subcutaneous is the fat that lives right under the skin. This is what our machines can easily help you reduce. Visceral fat, which a lot of people have, is wrapped around your organs and our machine alone will not be able to reach it. That’s why it’s important for you to work out with your treatments so you can push the visceral fat closer to the epidermis so we can burn that off for you!